MathHub GitLab Organization

The MathHub repositories are managed via an instance of GitLab whose accounts and access groups are synchronized with the portal. A description of MathHub worflows can be found here.

Content Layout of

The flexiforms on are hosted on topical and personal repositories, which in turn are organized in groups. Note that some of the links below may be inaccessible without special permissions.

  1. Project groups host repositories for projects e.g.
    • KwarcMH for the flexiforms for KWARC projects
    • BaseMH for flexiformalizing the basics of various fields; a particular one is
    • smglom for the Semantic Multilingual Glossary for Mathematics
  2. Personal groups host personal repositories, they come automatically with a MathHub author account.

Layout of a MathHub Repository

A MathHub repository contains the following files at top level:

Layout of a Local MathHub Working Copy

Given sufficient permissions, users can check out a local working copy with MathHub repositories for local editing. The local working copy is in a directory .../localmh to which we will refer to it with the meta-variable <LMHDIR> in the following. It contains the files and subdirectories

The MathHub contains subdirectories <group>/<repos> that are structured as described above.